for Wednesday
May 9, 2012

Hey UK! Are you ready?

The short countdown is on for Barry’s concerts in the UK and Ireland next week!

Before the LIVE concert performances begin, you can see and hear him on the air on Tuesday, May 15.

Tune into ITV on Tuesday morning and see Barry on the LORRAINE show and then again on THIS MORNING. Then, turn your radio dial to BBC Radio 2 on Tuesday afternoon for the STEVE WRIGHT afternoon show.

After the media blitz, let the live concerts begin! There are a handful of tickets available for the live concerts, so, if you haven’t purchased your tickets... get them now! Don’t miss out!

See you next week!

[ Message from Barry on April 25, 2012 ]
[ BMIFC Hotline Message for May 4, 2012 | BMIFC Contact Information ]

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